Monday, April 30, 2007

Canada's Trial Seperation

From the BBC: Canada sets reduced climate goal

The Canadian government has published its strategy on climate change, which acknowledges that the country will not meet its Kyoto Protocol commitment.

Its new target is to cut emissions by 20% between now and 2020.

Environment groups have labelled the strategy a sham, and say that when combined with industrial policies, the country's emissions could rise.

Canada is the first nation to publicly abandon its Kyoto target without leaving the protocol.

The US and Australia are the only two countries with Kyoto targets to have left the 1997 treaty.

The Kyoto treaty committed Canada to reducing emissions by 6% from 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012, but emissions are currently about 30% above the 1990 figure.

Many other nations inside the protocol, such as Spain and Ireland, are a long way from their own targets; and the Canadian decision opens up the possibility that others will follow suit and choose not to meet their commitments.
[emphasis added]

I love how the article paints this as simply a question of political will. "How dare Canada's economy grow! (And Spain's and Ireland's.) They should have manipulated their economies into recession/depression because we tell them to do so."

Funny thing is, places like Canada, Spain and Ireland are full of people that like having jobs. They like economic expansion. I know the greenies would prefer Ireland to resemble the land of the potato famine as opposed to the land of record economic growth, but you will never sell that to the people who have to provide for their families.

This simple truth is, I believe, well known by the leftists driving this agenda. The ultimate goal is for them to impose their political will via, shall we say, "extra-democratic" means. We are in an era that will mirror the 1930's in many ways. You will hear more and more voices on the left arguing that Democracy is a failed system, or that being "too democratic" will lead to our demise.

"Hey!" they will say. "We known just what to do. Simply cede political power to this panel of experts and they will save us!"

It is a recipe for tyranny.

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