Sunday, August 12, 2007

Last Night's Sky Watch

We had some big thunderstorms roll through the area last evening right after sunset, which did wonders for the viewing conditions as the haze that had hung around for the last couple of weeks was much dissipated. It was actually quite a beautiful night to be looking at the night sky. The lightning from the receding storms would occasionally pulsate, but right above it was crystal clear with the Milky Way popping nicely.

And when I first sat down it looked like a good show was on tap. The first half hour I was out I was treated to meteor pace of about 40-50 per hour. Pretty good.

However, after that initial flurry the pace slackened markedly. For the evening as a whole I'd say we had a rate of 20-25 per hour, most of them very quick and not all that bright. (There were actually more slower moving, brilliant meteors on Friday night.) That is the way these things go sometimes.

I hope they are right about tonight being a 100 per hour peak as viewing conditions should be good around here again...but the Perseids have a way of disappointing sometimes. Just gotta be patient.

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