Wednesday, October 01, 2008

{Insert Your Special Interests Here}

On page 51 it begins:

9 (H) The efficacy of contracting procedures
10 pursuant to section 107(b), including, as appli
11 cable, the efforts of the TARP in evaluating
12 proposals for inclusion and contracting to the
13 maximum extent possible of minorities (as such
14 term is defined in 1204(c) of the Financial In
15 stitutions Reform, Recovery, and Enhancement
16 Act of 1989 (12 U.S.C. 1811 note), women,
17 and minority- and women-owned businesses, in
18 cluding ascertaining and reporting the total
19 amount of fees paid and other value delivered
20 by the TARP to all of its agents and represent
21 atives, and such amounts paid or delivered to
22 such firms that are minority- and women-owned
23 businesses (as such terms are defined in section
24 21A of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12
25 U.S.C. 1441a)).

Most of the outline of the bill has been spelled out by page 50, so God only knows what is going to fill up the next 400 pages...but I'm guessing it will be a lot more stuff like this.

I hope the "meek" wind up getting something because they have a hell of a time.

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