Saturday, December 06, 2008

People Who Spout "Anti-Zionism" = People Who Are Anti-Semitic

Yep, every time. Here is (yet) another case in point:

The University of Ottawa "social justice agency" refused to fund a speech sponsored by the campus Hillel Society on grounds that Hillel has a "relationship to apartheid Israel." The agency, the University of Ottawa Public Research Interest Group, added that "Zionist ideology does not fit within OPIRG's mandate of human rights, social justice." The speech had nothing to do with Israel. It was given by Israel Sariri, head of a Ugandan group working on sustainable development projects. He talked about schools that feed and educate 500 Jewish, Muslim and Christian children in Africa.

Notice, Hillel is a recognized campus society but they are being singled out for discrimination because they are now somehow beyond the pale.

No word if the University of Ottawa is planning on having Jewish student wear indentifying Stars of David to make dastardly supporters of Israel easier to spot.

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