Friday, August 27, 2010

Liberals Scandalized By Affirmative Actions Program

Shocked! Simply shocked!!

[A] Mississippi school is making headlines for its bad behavior. MSNBC reports that Nettleton Middle School in Nettleton, Mississippi, has racially segregated the student council positions at the school. According to a memorandum that school officials distributed to students, only whites can run for the position of president. Only blacks can run for Vice President of the 8th grade class, while only whites can run for that position in 6th and 7th grade. The positions of "Secretary-Treasurer" and "Reporter" are similarly segregated. If this news is true, it proves, once again, that there are places in this country where the legal command of Equal Protection means nothing at all.

Jim Crow lives, right?

Probably not. As the original story makes clear the thirty year old policy, which rotated offices between white and black students, was designed to ensure minority representation. From the press release from the school district:

After being notified of a grievance regarding upcoming student elections at Nettleton Middle School, research was conducted that evidenced that the current practices and procedures for student elections have existed for over 30 years. It is the belief of the current administration that these procedures were implemented to help ensure minority representation and involvement in the student body. It is felt the intent of these election procedures was to ensure African-American representation in each student office category through an annual rotation basis.

It is our hope and desire that these practices and procedures are no longer needed to help ensure minority representation and involvement. Furthermore, the Nettleton School District acknowledges and embraces the fact that we are growing in ethnic diversity and that the classifications of Caucasian and African-American no longer reflect our entire student body.

Therefore, beginning immediately, student elections at Nettleton School District will no longer have a classification of ethnicity. It is our intent that each student has equal opportunity to seek election for any student office. Future student elections will be monitored to help ensure that this change in process and procedure does not adversely affect minority representation in student elections.

I, for one, am happy to see the school district adopt new policies that mirror the conservative position of equal opportunity to participate, as opposed to the liberal position of equality of result. It is also encouraging to see so many heretofore liberal pundits embracing a core teaching of the conservative movement, and fundamentally rejecting the basic mechanism behind affirmative action programs.

What? They don't see it that way? Funny that.

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