Friday, May 27, 2011

Reason No. 1255 Why The Parties Ought To Ditch The Current Nomination System

"News" from Iowa: Bachmann’s Debacle

“This is a disaster,” said one prominent Polk County Republican. An elected official called it “an embarrassment”. The embarrassing disaster was the result of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s last minute cancellation of her appearance at the Polk County GOP’s Robb Kelley Dinner. Bachmann’s absence turned what should have been a very successful fundraiser into a black eye for herself, her presidential aspirations and the county party.

I'm no particular fan of Bachmann (though I've nothing against her either) but it certainly rubs me the wrong way to think of the out sized influence the people in Polk County, Iowa have in deciding who our presidential nominees are, particularly when they show themselves to be so shallow-minded and narcissistic.

"Why narcissistic?" you ask. Well, look at the reason why Bachmann cancelled:

The scheduling conflict arose because of a House vote on extending the Patriot Act. Backup plans were made for her to use a private jet. In the end, nothing worked and Bachmann was unable to make it.

That's right. She couldn't be there because she was doing her job in the U.S. House of Representatives, casting a vote on a matter of national security. And what was the reaction of Polk County Republicans?

“It’s awful,” said activist Becky Irvin. “She just shot herself in the foot. She dissed Iowa. You don’t diss Iowa.”

Oh yeah? Well I say, screw Iowa.

The over-sized role Iowa (and New Hampshire) play in presidential politics is bad for the political parties, bad for the country, and at its heart un-democratic. It should be reformed sooner rather than later.

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